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This recipe is for a classic BBQ sauce, perfect for chicken, ribs, and kabobs. Ina Garten finds the perfect balance of flavors. While there are a lot of ingredients in this recipe, it is important to follow the recipe because substituting ingredients can offset the balance of sweet and savory.

You can find the recipe for Ina's BBQ Chicken here .


There are so many different kinds of meat you can barbecue! Whether you like chicken and pork slowly cooked on a long summers day or some shrimp and steaks on the grill, let us know your favorite kind of meat to barbecue below in out featured poll.

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    April 8, 2013 by Asnow89

    There are so many different types of barbeque beyond the usual ribs and BBQ chicken . There is a whole different world of Asian barbeque: Korean BBQ, Vietnamese BBQ, South East Asian BBQ, Malaysian BBQ, and so on...

    Here is a great Asian barbeque rec…

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    April 8, 2013 by Asnow89

    North Carolina BBQ vs. Texas BBQ....that is the question. Most of the states in the South/Midwest have their own type of barbeque, but North Carolina and Texas style BBQ (most specifically, pulled pork) are two of the most popular.

    North Carolina pul…

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